Support IES
The meaningful education given to next generation researchers by IES is only possible through all the generosity of IES supporters. Your generous support will give the young scientists in EAP region the opportunities to have the field-based research experience and to prep themselves for their future career in ecology and environment field. We kindly invite you to become a IES supporter. There are few ways to support us.
Make a generous donation
We appreciate your generous donation to fund the IES program. Contribute to ecology education for next generation and give life to IES programs.
Provide the field equipments
The field studies needs some equipments and necessaries such as first-aid medicine, mosquito repellents, cap, water bottle, etc for the safety of students. Make a small but meaningful donation designated to each necessary item. The list of necessary items will be updated soon.
Award Travel Grant
Paying for one's own travel expenses may be difficult for some students in EAP region. IES tries to provide Travel Grant to help partially cover their travel expense with your kind donation that can help them fly to IES program.
Spread the news on IES
Be a friend on IES on facebook and twitter. Like the feeds of IES and share them with your friends.
*All the donation is accepted through a legal body registered as nonprofit organization in Korea